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Your Benefit-Driven “Hook” Goes Here

Learn to be able to achieve [this incredible goal]…without this [major pain point]!

Briefly describe your ebook or mini-course…including things like what it is, who it’s for, how many pages or lessons, and the biggest results they can expect.

Tired of [the biggest pain point you’re solving]?

This section is where you describe your ideal customer’s BIGGEST pain point better than they can. Show them that you really get it. Be super specific about how it feels to have this problem. You want them to start nodding and thinking “Yes, that’s exactly my problem!

After a paragraph or two, get them excited about solving it. Show them the opportunity that is out there for them and make it sound easy. You can say something like, “The way to turn things around is to do [X, Y, Z].”

[Product Name ] will help you [achieve this and this] so that you can [get the really big outcome they want]!

Imagine if…

This section should show them the benefits. What will happen for them after they go through your ebook or mini-course? Describe the transformation, what they’ll learn and what they’ll be able to do. Use the prompts below for inspiration.

satisfaction guaranteed

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

It has been proven time and time again that offering a satisfaction guarantee or refund policy increases sales. And not just by a little bit. It makes a noticeable difference to conversions.

So this section is important. Right after you’ve introduced the price of your online course, you need to do everything you can to alleviate purchase anxiety. As soon as a visitor sees the price, they will start to think of all the reasons why they shouldn’t buy. That’s why it’s important to have your refund policy immediately after the first time your price is mentioned.

Why do I even need this?

This section is where you answer the question they’re secretly asking themselves right now which is: “Why can’t I do this on my own, without your help?”

Address the roadblocks that are stopping them and remind them of their opportunity costs if they don’t action. For example, you can say something like:

Great question! The reason is that [insert your answer here].

Most people [make this really big mistake]. If you’re serious about [achieving this huge outcome], you need to [do X and Y].

Before I [did X and Y], I was [describe how you felt when you were in their shoes]. When I finally [overcame it], I was able to [achieve a big result they want]. And you can too!

The sooner you [take the steps outlined in your product], the sooner you’re going to [reach their goals]!

If you feel like…

Focus on their aspirations and goals in this section. What are they ready to do right now? You want them to say, “Yes, I’m ready…I want it…gimme that outcome now!” Use the prompts below as a guide.

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